Elementary Section
Nursery 1
Students in Nursery 1 follow a syllabus that includes six areas of learning covering physical development, language development, mathematical development, creative development, social development and emotional development.
- Language Development
Identification and recognition of letters, association of letters with phonic sounds, co-relation of letters with different objects and development of language and vocabulary. - Pattern Writing
Development of hand-to-eye co-ordination which later helps in letter formation. Emphasis is also placed on enhancing concentration and building pre-writing skills. - Mathematics
Identification and recognition of numbers, perception of pre-math concepts like shapes, sizes, similarities and differences using hands-on activities like sorting / matching / comparing and understanding of numbers with their values from 1 to 5. - General Knowledge / Conversation
Development of language and vocabulary is built upon exposure to different general knowledge topics which in turn creates awareness of immediate surroundings. Activities like dramatics and class discussions instill confidence. - Creative & Emotional Development
Through music, song, role play and imaginative play, creative ability is developed further. Performances at class assemblies / class days / concerts are enhanced which builds self-confidence and self-esteem.
Nursery 2
Students in Nursery 2 build upon concepts learnt in the previous class and learn a few new concepts as well. Every activity is child-friendly and conducted in a play-way method for better learning and understanding of concepts. Subjects include language development, mathematical concepts, general knowledge, art & craft, singing and value-education.
- Language Development
Achievement of writing readiness, recognition and co-rdination of letters with their phonic sounds and recognition and writing of small letters, enhancement of writing skills and correlation of the capital set and small set of letters. Dictation is held to assess knowledge and formation of letters. Application of reading skills is also monitored. - Number Work
Development of perception and sorting skills and recognition of numbers and their value. Concepts of sets, missing numbers, matching and comparison of values, recognition of numbers and acquiring correct formation of numbers are developed. - Knowledge Development
General knowledge through oral discussion and dramatization helps enhance knowledge in different fields. Through value-education, we instill values which last a lifetime.
Fine finger movement and gross motor skills are worked upon through activities like sand water play, educational toys and various skill-enhancing art & craft. Activities held in this section are directed towards developing the student’s personality through singing, dramatics, rhythm, public speaking, sports and organised games. Basics in academics like reading, writing and arithmetic are imparted in a play-way method to get the student ready for Kindergarten.
- Language Development
Emphasis on a thorough base in letter formation. Reading and writing skills are strengthened with the help of dictation, crossword exercises, matching rhyming words, filling missing letters and using phonic skills. Dictation is conducted to assess sense of assimilation. - Mathematics
Recognition and correct formation of numbers through practical exercises. The concept of value, sequence of missing numbers, comparison of values, learning number spellings, order of numbers, addition and subtraction are also taught. - Knowledge development
Sense of observation, understanding and implementing of skills are updated through general knowledge, value-education, story-telling, singing and recitation.
Overall development of personality is achieved through activities like organised indoor/outdoor games, singing, dancing, dramatics, art & craft, public speaking and assemblies. Formal learning includes reading through phonetics, cursive writing and understanding various number concepts till 50 in a play-way method using educational equipment. Social skills are inculcated throughout the year to ensure that the student is ready for the Junior section.

Sharada Mandir School
Survey No. 34 / 1-B,
Goalim Moula, Goa,
India 403110
(For general queries)
(For queries related to admissions only)